Raw Lunchbox Summit Signup


I got the honor to be part of Johanna Sophia, the CEO and professor of Johanna’s Raw Foods summit again! As you know, I did a summit last year with Johanna, called the Raw Recovery Summit, which you can listen to the playback recording of my interview here. This year, she is hosting another summit called The Raw Lunchbox Summit. 


Science has it that lunch is the most important meal of the day, as that mid-day meal fuels our brains and energizes us, that is, of course, if your lunch is a healthy option. 


I talk and share my top 3 favorite healthy lunch recipes to pack when you’re on the go, how lunch affects our bodies and the way our mind/brain functions. And we even get deep and talk about a very important feminine issue that needs to be addressed more in the vegan community – MENSTRUAL CYCLE. I talk about how I lost my period, and Johanna and I discuss whether or not it’s healthy to lose your period and what your body is telling you when you no longer menstruate every month. This is a common thing when girls go raw; they lose their periods and have trouble getting it back. But not to worry. Check out my post here to read the TRUTH about it. 


The Raw Lunchbox Summit launches on March 15, 2016, and you can get VIP access for FREE to ALL 21+ experts by signing up here


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About Miliany Bonet 197 Articles
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at 0medz0.com. Her passion for writing shines through her posts.

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