hey guys! sorry i haven’t been writing about my fast every day as i said i would. i am a very busy girl nowadays… i’m working on a very big project right now! this is actually one of my biggest projects so far. it’s VERY exciting; you guys will soon know about it! here is a little update on my juice fast: day 7, 8, 9 &10.
day 7:
day 7 was actually a water fast for both me and my dad. we didn’t juice anything, just drank water. my dad and iwere both feeling the detox symptoms; i felt loopy, tired, dizzy, light weight, i felt my new cells rejuvenating on my hands and feet (it was an epic feeling, you gotta experience it to know what i’m talking about.) and had a slight headache.
day 8:
day 8 of our fast was also another day of water, but drank one juice day 8’s juice was a bit similar to my day 2 juice, but with no kiwi. i didn’t add ginger or lime to day 2’s juice. day 8’s juice was different.
pineapple tangerine ginger lime juice:
1 pineapple
6 tangerines
small piece of ginger
2 limes
cut & peel as needed. juice it. drink it. love it. feel the power in your glass. <3 x
while i was enjoying my juice, my dad and i watched a movie. this juice was quite refreshing and alkalizing.
day 9:
day 9 mostly consisted of water. i made one juice; a pineapple and lime juice. boy oh boy, was it DELICIOUS!!! it was a quick and simple juice, yet so tasty, too!
pineapple lime juice (2 ingredients!):
1 pineapple
3 limes
cut, peel, juice, drink, enjoy! <3 feel its deliciousness! ahh, this juice was well enjoyed! 🙂 x
day 10 (today!):
today was another day of water fasting. i made 8 cups of epic, sweet, delicious juice! it had 3 ingredients; love it! i woke up with sore muscles (detox…). luckily, i haven’t had any headaches, which is a great thing! my eyes are calming down a bit, still improving though. there are times (more like seconds) when i can see c l e a r l y! it’s quite impressive, too!
okay, this juice is officially one of my favorite juices that i’ve made! i say that for all my juices, don’t i? oh well. goes to show you people – i make delicious juice!! not only is this juice DELICIOUS, MY FAVORITE, but – it’s addictive!! once i took a sip, oh my goodness – it was hard to put my glass down. this juice is the BEST!! you gotta make it so you can experience my feeling. =)
LOOK at this precious beauty juice!! this was the beautiful present i got when while i was juicing it. i love how the different colors from the fruits layer upon each other, turning into a rainbow! you see the light green, yellow, orange colors? i just LOVE & ADORE juicing and juices!! do you?! who agrees with me?! this juice is high in chlorophyll; so healthy for you!
pineapple carrot lime apple juice:
makes 4 cups of sweet tropical goodness! 😉
6 organic carrots, washed 1 pineapple
3 limes
6 apples
wash, cut & peel as needed. juice it. drink it. love it. <3 so sweet and orange!
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at 0medz0.com. Her passion for writing shines through her posts.
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