Not only are the colours beautiful – but the flavours, too! The ginger pops (okay, not literally but the spice from the ginger, if you know what I mean) & it almost tastes as if there were grapes in this. Although, there aren’t any. There’s apples. (hmm….. grapes would be nice and epic in this juice, though). I mean, if you don’t like the taste of your juice, your body will. Your body will totally benefit from the benefits, which is always a great thing because it’s HEALTHY FOR YOU!
Just drink your juices knowing that your cells will be pleased. Your cells will love it. Not that this juice is gross or anything, cause it is way beyond that word. I’m telling you, it’s delicious and I think you should give it a try. What you got to loose? Maybe an epic elixir that is so great for you and your cells? Maybe. Just maybe.

Earthly Tones Detox Cells Elixir:
serves 2
• 3 organic celery stalks
• handful fresh organic parsley
• 1 fresh piece of ginger
• 3 organic carrots
• 1 whole red bet with leaves
• 2 oranges
• 3-4 organic apples
Wash, cut & peel as needed. Juice it! Drink it! Enjoy it! Love it!