Raw Vegan Mung Bean Chili Recipe
This is my dads raw vegan chili recipe. He’s been making a different chili recipe lately for dinner. My dad is an awesome raw foods chef. He prepares all of his food with love. I’ve posted his recipes […]
This is my dads raw vegan chili recipe. He’s been making a different chili recipe lately for dinner. My dad is an awesome raw foods chef. He prepares all of his food with love. I’ve posted his recipes […]
Many of my followers and readers have requested that I’d write a post on my favorite raw vegan recipes on this blog, so here you go! I’ve put together a list of my top 10 […]
Thinking about transitioning to raw, but not sure where to begin? This is a question I get asked by most of my readers and followers. Many people are interested in starting a raw food diet, […]
It’s sad to see that many people don’t know what ripe fruits are nowadays. Bananas are one of my favorite fruits, providing AMAZING health benefits. I always make sure to have bunches and bunches […]
Magnesium, the mineral that can save your life or someone else’s life! Magnesium is one of the most vital and powerful mineral to consume daily, as it plays an important role in the human body and brain […]
Whoa, it’s been a month since my last post. So sorry about that, everyone! For those of you who are new around here, I am opening up the first raw vegan juice bar cafe in South Jersey! […]
Hey, everyone! The two lovely ladies, Katrin and Julie over at TheRawFoodSisters.com wanted to interview me to be on their site!!! I had fun answering all their questions. I enjoyed my second interview (which is […]
Happy New Year, everyone!!! Hope you all had lovely holidays. I have lots of goals, plans and ideas for RawVeganLiving, and you will see them this year, 2014! I will be coming out with my […]
Do you still crave cooked vegan foods and wish you had an easy way to replace them with a raw recipe in just a few minutes? Are you bored of eating the same salads over […]
Last month in October, I was invited by Brian Rossiter from Fruit-Powered.com to write my story on how I became a vegan to be featured in his e-magazine. I traced my story back on how […]
Hey, everyone! How have all you been? I’ve been SO SO busy lately, and I haven’t been able to blog as much as I want to. I have SO much fun things I’d love to […]
These have got to be one of my favorite raw vegan brownies ever! I know I said that for my raw marbled brownies, too (recipe in my e-book) but these are just SO delicious! They […]
I posted the recipe for these epic burgers and fries over at VeganRestaurantFinder.com. I am one of their guest post bloggers and this week, I am sharing this deliciously healthy raw vegan veggie burger. You […]
John Kohler is an epic raw vegan. My dad and I discovered him in the middle of our vegan/raw journey. My dad was looking and searching for more inspiring vegans, and along came John. […]
Hey, my lovely readers! I’d love to tell you all about my recent 9 1/2 day water fast experience. This was my longest fast ever; I feel so proud and accomplished! The last fast that […]
Hey guys! Summer is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy fresh strawberries. When my dad bought fresh organic strawberries this summer in July (that was when I made this AWESOME […]
Lou Corona is such an epic raw vegan and vegan. I knew Lou in the middle of my journey. My dad actually found him through Dan McDonald, “The LifeRegenerator“. Dan was inspired by this […]
Freelee The Banana Girl is a fruitarian vegan. Many of you may know her, as she is a world renowned famous YouTuber. She has inspired thousands of people to eat more bananas and adopt a […]
+Dara Dubinet is an epic raw vegan. I actually found her threw the lovely Kristina. When I had first discovered Dara, I started watching more of her videos and learning about her. I was inspired and […]
+Whitney Lauritsen is one of my epic raw models. I remember discovering Whitney along my vegan journey. My dad was looking for videos on YouTube of vegans, and he happened to stumble upon her channel. She has been […]
+Mimi Kirk is one of my raw role models. When I first was introduced to her along my journey. My dad and I were searching for raw vegans and raw food recipes on YouTube, and […]
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