juice fast: day 1

fresh juicehello everyone! as you may have read in my previous post, i am going on a juice fast and i’m started today. this is going to be an epic fast, i can already tell! my dad and i are planning on doing this fast until… friday. when you’re doing a juice fast (or any kind of fast) you want to start slow like about 2-4 days, then slowly go longer days. the first day wasn’t bad; i woke up with energy and feel great! my stomach was growling once in a blue, but i dealt with it. i am looking forward to enjoying different flavor juices each day. you want to enjoy your juices when fasting. 


my dad and i enjoyed a watermelon juice (recipe below). i have lots of energy today, which is great! today, i did light exercises (gotta keep it light when you’re fasting. during fasts, your body needs rest more then anything), did chores around the house, sat in the sun for an hour, and some other things. i got a slight headache, but that’s all part of detoxing. later on, i’ll be watching with my fasting buddy…. my dad! it’s so epic to have someone like my dad doing this fast with me. it makes it even more fun!

not only is my body detoxing, but so are my eyes. everyday they are improving little by little. i’ve been doing my eye exercises, and boy do they help! the exercises have helped improved my vision. my eyes always feels a boost afterwards. i’ve heard stories of raw vegans who got their eyesight back threw raw foods! i am my eyesight back soon, then i’ll soon be a living testimonial! another thing that has helped has been goji berry powder. every time i have my goji powder, i feel a boost in my vision! goji berries are known to boost your vision, and they sure do for me! i love the way the powder tastes. it almost tastes like strawberry powder. 

goji berry heart
my goal is to get my vision back before the Woodstock Fruit Festival. i feel if i continue to do my eye exercises and at my goji’s, i WILL get my vision back! i WILL have my vision back this year! i am using “The Secret” to help me get it back, too. every time my eyes hurt, it’s a good thing! someone say, “detoxing”.
ginger watermelon goji juice
green ginger watermelon juice:
6 organic carrots, washed
6 organic celery stalks, washed 
small piece of ginger
1/2 or whole watermelon, cut into pieces 

wash and cut as needed. juice. pour. mix. drink. enjoy. 
watermelon ginger juice
ginger watermelon juice

do you have a fasting buddy? who else fasted before? how was your experience? did you manage the first day? how did you handle the fast? who’s had goji berry powder before? who else is trying to get their vision back? who got their vision back on the raw diet? tell me in the comments! 

hugs! 😀 


peeled bananas

p.s. i had 11 bananas sitting on my counter this morning, and since i am on a juice fast – i peeled them, stacked them on top of each other in a baking dish and placed it in the freezer so i can make banana ice cream!… once i break the fast of course. mmm…. banana ice cream! creamy, dreamy yummy. 

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About Miliany Bonet 197 Articles
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at 0medz0.com. Her passion for writing shines through her posts.

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