Super Food Covered Banana

super food chocolate covered banana goodness


I gotta give credit to my dad for coming up with this rawmazing recipe idea, taking the pictures and making it. My dad was in the kitchen one afternoon, and all of a sudden, he thought of this epic recipe. I had no clue what he was making, but I knew it was going to be something very delicious, and he wasn’t going to disappoint. He sure didn’t disappoint me alright! When I took my first bite into this goodness, I immediately entered dessert heaven. These were just so good. My taste buds were happy.
This is a simple recipe with simple directions; bananas coated in cashew butter, rolled in super foods and drizzled with coconut nectar. Hello, can this get any simpler?! Just like my nut butter nectar filled dates recipe – you barely need any instructions because the recipe is super easy! You can even cover these with chocolate, or you can simply drizzle chocolate sauce on top. You can even freeze these for 15-30 minutes for a nice, banana ice cream treat! I would cut my banana in half, stick on and the other half on a stick and freeze it. Once frozen, you have banana popsicle! Either way, these will turn out delish! My dad and I didn’t actually freeze ours, but we’ll definitely be making these again without a doubt!

Not only are these super easy to make, but they’re also fun to make with someone you love and adore. These make your hands sticky and messy, but that’s the fun part, wouldn’t you agree?! You can literally lick your fingers clean. Always the best. It’s just like licking your blender clean after making chocolate. Mmm… the best! Who else licks their fingers and blenders clean? C’mon, admit it.

healthy raw vegan chocolate sauce

Check this out: these are super easy to make, super quick to make, enjoyable by any banana lover (if you like bananas, you’ll definitely like this treat!) and most of all, super healthy! The health benefits are crazy (well, not literally crazy, but amazing is the right word)! The bananas are rolled in super foods such as chia seeds, hemp seeds, coconut oil and cacao if you choose to make chocolate sauce. These will give you natural energy, aids in longevity, be happy, heart healthy, boosts your metabolism, high in fiber, helps you to lose weight, contains vitamins, minerals, protein, copper, magnesium, iron, happy fats, etc.; promotes strong, healthy hair and nails. Plus, SO much more! As you can see, when you’re eating these, you can feel AWESOME, ALIVE and HEALTHY!!! THE best!

My dad and I will definitely be making these again some time soon, and maybe next time, I’ll cover mine in chocolate, then I’ll freeze it. I can imagine these on a brownie. Mmm…. triple chocolate heaven. I am a chocoholic, what can I say?! 😉 I’ll have to try that idea, and I’ll post it on the blog. My dad and I ate two bananas each, but we could have easily eaten more.

We actually DID make these again (a few times already) and covered them in chocolate! Mmm…. it was SO delicious! The times that we made this, it has never failed to taste heavenly!! It tastes like banana ice cream!  I haven’t tried freezing the bananas when covered in super foods, but I do enjoy them fresh actually. My dad is such a genius! Hope you make these and enjoy them as much as we do!

banana super food covered
Super Food Covered Banana:
makes as many as desired 
* Remember with raw food, measurements are not precise, so just add more or less of everything as needed. 
~ 1 peeled banana 
Super Food Mixture:
~ cashew butter 
~ organic, non-GMO chia seeds
~ 1 teaspoon extra virgin coconut oil, solid
~ dash of cinnamon
~ raw coconut nectar 
~ organic, non-GMO hemp seeds
~ chocolate sauce (optional, but totally recommended!)
On a plate or bowl, add your coconut oil, cinnamon, chia seeds and poppy seeds. Using a spoon or fork, lightly stir in the super foods. Do not over stir because it will become too sticky and won’t really stick to the banana. Just a small stir is fine. Peel your banana and place it on your plate. Using a butter knife, spread the cashew butter all over the banana, covering it with butter. Now roll your banana into the super food mixture, coating it with the good stuff called, super foods! Lastly, drizzle the coconut nectar all over the banana. At this point, you can: a.) cover the banana in chocolate or b.) drizzle chocolate sauce on top of the banana, just like you did for the coconut nectar c.) freeze them if you like for a banana ice cream treat! and/or d.) EAT it immediately! Whichever your preference, it’s still going to be yummy! You might even end up in heaven! Who knows, but ENJOY every bite!! <3 

chocolate covered bananas sliced

Do you like chocolate? Do you like bananas? What’s your fave quick and easy raw snack? Post a comment below. 🙂

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raw vegan, low fat, healthy snacks, healthy low fat raw vegan snacks, superfood covered bananas, chocolate snack, quick and easy raw vegan healthy snack ideas, bananas cvered in superfoods, 

About Miliany Bonet 197 Articles
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at Her passion for writing shines through her posts.


  1. This looks fantastic, yum!! I actually sometimes makes what I call a breakfast-banana. I just split a banana, drizzel nutbutter over, and top it of with superfood and fresh berries. So tasty!

  2. Do you like chocolate? Ummm, YES! Do you like bananas? Ummm, YES! I think I would cover the bananas with chocolate as well.

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