7 Natural Ways To Detox Your Mind & Body This Spring

The body has a fascinating way it rebuilds itself. What we eat plays a major role in how our trillions of cells operate and how the body uses food as nourishment. The problem with our modern Western society is that 98% of the people living in the world today eat the typical Standard American Diet and often pass away from big corporate brand names like Cancer, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure… the list goes on. 

Our body has the ability to repair, detoxify, regenerate, and rejuvenate itself in ways that would amaze you. Get out of your own way and let your body do its thing. It doesn’t need any disturbances. Nourish it with the right foods and it will thank you in return with peace, happiness, vitality, abundance, youth, and longevity. 🙏🏽🌱💚🌿🥑🍇🍒🥒🍌🍎

Here is a cool infographic image I found on the web that shows how the body heals itself in less than 365 days!⠀

The body is a fascinating mechanism. It has the ability to repair, detoxify, regenerate, and rejuvenate itself in ways that would amaze you. Get out of your own way and let your body do its thing. It doesn't need any disturbances. Nourish it with the right foods and it will thank you in return. 🙏🏽🌱💚🌿🥑🍇🍒🥒🍌🍎⠀ ⠀ Here is a cool infographic image I found on the web that shows how the body heals itself in less than 365 days!⠀ ⠀ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~⠀ ⠀ El cuerpo es un mecanismo fascinante. Tiene la capacidad de reparar, desintoxicarse, regenerarse y rejuvenecerse de maneras que te sorprenderían. Sal de tu propio camino y deja que tu cuerpo haga lo suyo. No necesita ninguna perturbación. Aliméntalo con los alimentos adecuados y te lo agradecerá a cambio.⠀ ⠀ Aquí hay una buena imagen de infografía que encontré en Google que muestra cómo el cuerpo se cura a sí mismo en menos de 365 días.⠀ ⠀ 🌱🌿⠀ ⠀ #foodismedicine #healthyself #healthiswealth #healyourbody #detox #detoxify #detoxifyyourbody #cleanse #rawveganpreneur #rawveganentrepreneur #plants #plantpowered #heal #regenerate #cells #repairdna #superfoods #body #mindright #bodyright

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7 Natural Ways You Can Detox and Cleanse Your Body This Spring and Beyond!

1.) Fresh Juices 

Juicing is one of the best and most accelerating things you can do to better your health. In fact, juicing helps cleanse and detoxify your body at a deep, cellular level. Weight loss, mental clarity, and focus, improved digestion, clear skin, better sleep, smaller waist, softer hair, skin, and nails are some of the perks of juicing. 

Juice fasting helps reboot your health and restores your immune system. Juice fasting is a great way to recover from over-indulgence, especially during the holidays and helps reset your mind and body. Healing, deep cleansing and detoxification happen greatly when you juice. 

2.) Drink Smoothies 

Smoothies are amazing and a great way to kickstart your health. When combined with the right amount of ingredients, smoothies are great for increasing your energy levels, clearing up your skin, boosts metabolism, improves digestion, regulates high blood pressure, supports a healthy weight loss and helps keep you fuller longer, and much more. Drinking a smoothie a day can greatly help optimize your health in numerous ways. 

3.) Eat Citrus & Hydrating Fruits 
Citrus fruits like grapefruit, oranges, watermelons, cantaloupe, and more, do amazing to cleanse, rejuvenate, and heal the body from numerous ailments and diseases. 


Oranges are one of my favorite fruits and are abundant in vitamins, minerals, and protein. 🌿💪🏼 Whether you’re transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle or simply looking for ways to improve your health, eating oranges (just one a day for a start) is a great start 👍🏼. ⠀

Oranges can significantly boost your immune system by providing you with 72% of your recommended vitamin C! 👌🏽 
Oranges are great to help eliminate toxins from the body by helping you 💩 more, as the fiber content in oranges 
is high! The more oranges you eat, the clearer your mind and skin will be. ⠀

4.) Meditate

Meditation is a powerful practice that can help ease your mind, bring you peace and harmony, and help you align with your true self. Meditating can help detox your mind in 5 minutes and is an excellent way to start your day. 

5.) Take a Shower or Bathe
Taking a shower or bathe in clean, filtered, non-fluoridated water makes all the difference to cleanse in helping clear your mind and soothe your body. 

Here’s a great blog post written by my associates at Activation Products on how to take a good shower that’ll enhance your sleep.

6.) Go Out Into Nature 

Nature has all the answers and going out into nature for a brisk walk, hike, run or jog can uplift our spirit, enhance our mood, boost our energy levels, clear our mind, and improve our overall quality of life. When we do fun activities, our mind releases endorphins, we become happier and the mind of our health boosts significantly. 

7.) Intermittent Fasting 

Last but certainly not least… intermittent fasting! 

Intermittent fasting is one of the most revered fasts often done by many athletes and bodybuilders. Intermittent fasting is one of the best ways to cleanse and detox your body and helps reset your system. I do intermittent fasting every day for about 16-18 hours. The resultsI’ve experienced along with my father has been amazing. High energy, mental clarity, improved digestion, weight loss, and improved sleep (to just name a few) are some of the health benefits my father and I have received from intermittent fasting. 

Check out this video my father filmed on his YouTube channel. 



Enjoyed either in a form of a smoothie, juice or fruit bowl – fresh ripe mango with chopped cilantro and/or parsley with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice makes for the most refreshing, sweet and cleansing meals. It’s excellent for glowing skin, boosting your digestion and cleaning out rod in’s from the colon, inproves eyesight, brightens your smile, and increases brain health. I love it and even eating the herbs, cilantro and/or parsley alone are amazing for your good health.

I hope you enjoyed these 7 tips on how to detox your mind and body this spring. Give the recipe a try and let me know how you like it and what were some of the benefits you received from it. I’d like to hear 💜

All the best in health, wealth, love, success, and joy. 

About Miliany Bonet 197 Articles
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at 0medz0.com. Her passion for writing shines through her posts.

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