Imagine having lunch with a world leader in natural health, a top scientist, or a celebrity, and you’re discussing how they struggled and recovered from injury, illness or addiction.
And what if, along with their stories, you get solid advice for your own life?
Well, I’m bringing you 21 such lunches…
My colleague, Prof. Johanna Sophia, has invited 21 awe-iinspiring experts to discuss how delicious raw foods can become your medicine!
I’m so honored to be one of them! It is a huge global movement and the event is supported by Paul McCartney, Russell Simmons, and The Real Truth About Health Conference.
The RAW RECOVERY SUMMIT – How Delicious Raw Foods Can Restore Your Health…At Any Age is an online event for intelligent health seekers. The entire event is FREE online for all to attend. There will be more than 21 speaker with a new one everyday.
I am inviting you, along with about ½ million people to this event. Feel free to invite your family and friends, too. You’ll be able to hear my speak about raw foods, a bit about my story and tips for teens looking to eat raw with their parents. This really is a Global Movement, and you don’t want to miss it!
You will discover that it can be surprisingly fast to recover from overweight; bad skin, constipation, heart disease, depression, fatigue, tiredness, and many more other health problems!
Being part of a supportive network always leads to faster results. And you’re joining one!

Although this is a raw vegan summit, EVERYONE can benefit from this summit, no matter your diet! So, feel free to share this link with anyone who you think could benefit from this event.
Love and light,
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