Hey, everyone! How have all you been? I’ve been SO SO busy lately, and I haven’t been able to blog as much as I want to. I have SO much fun things I’d love to share with you guys, just bear with me!
On September 29, 2013, I went on a little road trip to Lansdale, Pennsylvania to visit Arnold Kauffman at his store, Arnold’s Way. I went with my dad and two other beautiful spirited people, and boy did we have fun! It was our first time visiting his store and I must say, I had a BLAST! My dad and I always wanted to go to Arnold’s store, and we finally went to take a trip to go see him. It was a very exciting Sunday for us. I can’t wait to share with you my favorite highlights, right in this post!
When I first entered Arnold’s store, it smelled like bananas, haha. He has a cafe in his store, which is where you can get raw foods. His store has a ton of products; super foods, oils, Vitamix blenders, dehydrators, raw dehydrated crackers, and more! You can order any raw meal on his raw menu; pizza, zucchini spaghetti, raw pizza, cheezeberger, krackers, toona, banana whips, green smoothies, sundaes… the list goes on! My dad and I got to chat and film a video with Arnold, which is really cool! Filming a video with Arnold (video below) was really cool and fun! I really enjoyed myself.
My favorite food on Arnold’s menu is his Banana Whips! They’re SO SO yummy and creamy, I highly recommend trying out his banana whips, if you haven’t already. I love banana whips!!
Arnold had a trampoline at his store, which was very exciting for me. I’ve never jumped on a trampoline before, so it was really nice to have finally jumped on it. I’m telling you, I was a little girl in a candy store. After going back for the first time, I got to go a few times more again! My dad and I have really inspired some people there, which makes me very happy, as that is my goal; to motivate and inspire people to eat more raw fruits and vegetables into their diets.
When we went the first time, we stood there until it his store closes (6 pm). When I was chatting with Arnold, we talked about Megan Elizabeth and I told him how much I love Megan and how she has motivated and inspired me along my journey. Looks like I brought it to existence, because Megan Elizabeth was actually at Arnold’s house! On my way to Arnold’s store, I told my dad how epic I’d be if I met Megan. My dad told me that she might be there at the store. I said, “that would be a treat if Megan was there!” Although Megan wasn’t at his store, she was his house. Lucky for me, Arnold was very nice to have let us (me, my dad and 2 other people I went with) follow him to his house! Yes, I got invited to Arnold’s house. There at Arnold’s house, I met the beautiful, talented, raw food chef, Megan ELizabeth from EasyToBeRaw!
Me with Megan Elizabeth. Wish the picture wasn’t blurry, though.
I was super excited to have met Megan. I introduced myself, she shook my hand and gave me 2 hugs. We chatted for a bit, but then it was time to go. I really wanted to film a video with her, but I’ll get my chance next time. I met 2 of my favorite raw vegans on Sunday; Arnold and Megan! Megan is the first raw vegan that I met from my mini series. I told you guys I was going to meet Megan. Arnold showed us his exercise room and his yoga exercise that he does. He has a cool house.
For those who don’t know who Arnold Kauffman is, he is a very inspiring raw vegan and vegan. He has inspired and help thousands of people to cure their cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis… you name it. He’s been in this lifestyle for 22 years, and he has done some remarkable things for people. His mission is to change Lansdale, PA and get them to eat this way and be healthy! I highly recommend you check him out in the links below.
Words can’t even describe my excitement on Sunday. I went to Arnold’s store four times already… I’m going again tomorrow and a few more times this month and months… and every time I go, I have a blast! I’m there at his store three times a week to support my neighbor who was a former meat-eater and is now a raw vegan. He joined Arnold’s 30 day raw challenge program.
During my visits, I have met so many beautiful spirited people, and other raw foodists who live this lifestyle. His store is filled with so many good vibes. If you’ve never been to Arnold’s Way store, I HIGHLY recommend you check him out
whenever you’re in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. You will have a blast there. In my opinion, Arnold’s Way is the best raw food store in Lansdale, Pennsylvania! You have got to check it out!
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at 0medz0.com. Her passion for writing shines through her posts.
Miliany, I love your enthusiasm for a raw food diet and the entire Arnold’s Way community! Arnold is a dear friend of mine and changed my life significantly for the better. I’d like to invite you to write a story about your raw journey for my e-magazine, Fruit-Powered Digest. Are you interested? If so, please send me a line: http://fruit-powered.com/contact/
Miliany, I love your enthusiasm for a raw food diet and the entire Arnold’s Way community! Arnold is a dear friend of mine and changed my life significantly for the better. I’d like to invite you to write a story about your raw journey for my e-magazine, Fruit-Powered Digest. Are you interested? If so, please send me a line: http://fruit-powered.com/contact/
Thank you, Brian! I’ve seen you on Arnold’s channel before with your amazing story on how Arnold has changed your life. Very inspiring!
Thank you so much for the invite! I will be sending you an email.
All the best,
Wow how great to see you online! You are an inspiration for so many. What a sweetheart! Keep shining
Thank you so much, sisters! I will shine my light and spread my love with others