Meeting the Raw Food Guru at the Raw Food Capital of the World

don bennettOn Friday, September 5th, I attended my very first raw food lecture at the raw food capital of the world – Lansdale, Pennsylvania! The special guest speaker was Don Bennett, one of the world’s leading raw food and health experts! Don is the director of the Health 101 Institute and a Disease Avoidance Specialist. He’s been a fruitarian for 50 years, and has healed himself from hyperglycemia, poor eyesight, tinnitus, and some undiagnosed conditions. Don has a LOT knowledge; his lecture was very informative and insightful.

miliany bonet with don bennett
Meeting Don Bennett was awesome!
miliany bonet with arnold kauffman
Me with Arnold Kauffman
In his lecture, Don spoke about the following topics:

  • why he thinks we should be supplementing on a diet that comes from the modern agricultural system, including B12 supplementation
  • colonics: yay or nay
  • what is true hunger
  • exercise that we’re meant to do (walking, climbing, sprinting) 
  • vitamin and mineral deficiencies raw foodist should be most concerned about (post coming soon, but it’s only 3 nutrients… not bad!)
  • how inaccurate information is bad for the body
  • the importance of iodine 
  • proper food combining
  • how we’re fruit eaters, not vegetable eaters and why we eat greens (interesting! Details soon!)

I learned so much at Don’s “What You Know That Isn’t So” lecture. I promise to share the really important information soon in a post.

I didn’t take much photos (just these 3 photos. Sorry for the lack of photos!), but I’ll be sure to take more next time. Before the lecture, there was a 3 course meal, which was yummy. Arnold has potlucks every 3rd Saturday of the month, so I look forward in attending more of his events. The environment at Arnold’s Way Cafe is so loving, peaceful, funny, energetic, and friendly. If you’re in the Lansdale, PA area, I highly recommend stopping by his cafe. You’ll love it there. 
About Miliany Bonet 197 Articles
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at Her passion for writing shines through her posts.

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