Freelee The Banana Girl is a fruitarian vegan. Many of you may know her, as she is a world renowned famous YouTuber. She has inspired thousands of people to eat more bananas and adopt a plant-based, whole foods lifestyle.
Freelee has been able to reverse her eating disorders on a raw foods lifestyle. She has been through quite a transformation and has a story to tell. Although she may be an inspiration to many young girls to be fit, healthy and eat more bananas – she has had some bad rap over the years.
Now, I’m not being judgmental or showing any hate towards her, but I’m being totally honest here and spreading some awareness here. Many of you newcomers may stumble upon Freelee’s channel and if you don’t already know, she likes to call people out. She likes to point out the mistakes that people do and the things they need to improve upon in their diet. She has exposed famous YouTubers and even celebrities on her channel and for that, she has gotten a lot of hate and a lot of people have unfollowed her. I was following Freelee for 2 years before unfollowing her myself. I felt that she was no longer providing quality content and I was not appreciating how she would bash people.
Durian Rider is the same way too. Durian Rider may come out across as a bully to most people, and I don’t blame people for seeing them both as bullies. And it seems like there are many others who have the same feelings and thoughts on them…
freelee the banana girl, durian rider, banana diet, banana girl,
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