Dan McDonald was the second raw vegan I was introduced to. I found Dan after I discovered Kristina. I remember when I came home from school one day, my dad showed me a video of Dan. When I first saw Dan’s video’s, I was inspired and fully hooked. His videos were a BIG inspiration and motivated not only for me – but for my dad, as well. We were both inspired to go deeper into the raw lifestyle. Dan is a BIG motivation and inspiration to SO many individuals!!! If you don’t know Dan, I highly recommend reading this post! If you do, then you can dig the info below.
If you need some motivation and inspiration on detoxing and fasting, I highly recommend watching his videos so you can stay on track. He’s also a Raw Foods Chef; he has his own Raw Food DVD’s that I recommend buying from him. His DVD’s give you exclusive recipes that have never been posted on his YouTube Channel before, tips and tricks about this lifestyle, how to start a raw food diet, how to have and organize a raw foods kitchen, juicing tips, and SO much more! He provides great insight about this lifestyle. His recipes are great and epic! To learn more about Dan’s story, I highly recommend watching this video.
Dan’s story is very inspiring; today he is as healthy as he can be! His YouTube videos are based on around raw food recipes, raw food nutrition, juicing, detoxification, fitness, fasting, and spirituality. He has been a HUGE inspiration and motivation to SO many individuals (including myself). He has touched thousands of lives, and he wants to guide people in helping them learn to take responsibility for their own health in the simplest and most natural form, with the power of raw foods (the foods they eat)! Dan’s YouTube channel, “LifeRegenerator” has over 1,200 free videos, over 110,000 subscribers and over 22 million video views, plus more each day! Dan has truly made an impact in my life and many people all over the world! I’ll be meeting him at the Woodstock Fruit Festival, too!
Dan has a passion for rejuvenating and detoxifying; he wants to love and touch each and every person’s cell in the most positive way in his body… which is why he made his YouTube channel with awesome, inspiring and hilarious, yet serious videos (Dan’s hilarious, but the information he sends through his videos are serious and important messages.) When you watch Dan’s video’s, you feel his great vibe, love and positive energy. He doesn’t convince others to become raw, he just motivates and inspires people. Most people dig his information (like me) while others, don’t. He doesn’t criticize anyone about their diets, although others may see it that way, he really just tells the truth. Like I said, he’s real, honest and truthful. You’ll notice, he likes to joke around in his videos.
Most raw vegans and vegans (and omnivores, too) know Dan, and how epic he is. I am so happy I found Dan The Man (DTM)! He’s truly been a big inspiration to me and my father along our epic journey. So has +Sophia Pardini! She’s a positive power woman, be sure to check her out! She’s an inspiration and motivation, as well. Her goal is to help woman to discover their hidden powers and talents. Sophia is Dan’s best friend; together, they’re changing lives. They’ve motivated and inspired SO many individuals each day. I love Sophia and Dan! I want to thank them both for their inspiration!!! I am so happy I found them both!! If you don’t follow the beautiful Sophia, I suggest you go follow her in the provided links below.
If you don’t know Dan, I highly encourage you to learn more about him and watch his videos! He’s a cool, inspiring and an awesome dude; hopefully you’re inspired by him! Send him and Sophia some love, and be sure to let them know you found them through me. Dana and Sophia are my raw role models!!
To connect with Dan, be sure to follow him in the links below:
His Website: http://www.regenerateyourlife.org/
His YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwbUZ6a26NzzxkKkiinvyCw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/liferegenerator
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DanTheLiferegenerator
His Insiders Club: http://regenerateyourlife.org/free-gifts
Sophia’s Blog: http://sophiaexisting.blogspot.com/
Sophia’s YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-NL4Sm20rSh4qYrZ34NOUw
P.S. Dan and Sophia, if you’re reading this – PLEASE post a comment below!! I’d mean the raw world to me!! Hugs!
HI Friend! Just ran into this while browsing the web for unique photos of Dan. Just wanted to say thanks for the love!!!! <3<3<3 Be Well~ Sophia