3 Juice Recipes That Help Combat Neurotoxins FAST!

In my last post, I shared my top 4 tips on how to detox and cleanse your body and get rid of heavy metals and toxins found in chemtrails.

Toxins are lurking all over the place and most times, we can’t control it. So the best things we can do is feed our body with the most powerful, nutrient-rich foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Removing heavy metals from the body does not happen overnight. Especially if you’ve had a lot of contact with toxins and surround yourself with toxins on a daily basis. That’s why, it’s so important to eat the right kinds of foods that’ll help your body fight against these known toxins.

All the juice recipes below contain 3 of the same ingredients: watermelon, lemon and marine phytoplankton. Here’s the breakdown of those ingredients to better understand why.

Watermelon: Watermelons are an excellent detoxify that really help detox the body at a deep cellular level. Because they are composed of 90% water, they hydrate the cells, which helps flush toxins out the body.

Watermelons are loaded with vitamins and minerals, and an excellent source of vitamin C. Since the body doesn’t store vitamin C, it must get it from the foods you eat. And the seeds of the watermelon are even more nutritous, yet, so many people rather not eat them! I find the seeds to be crunchy and quite tasty. Thanks to Go Raw for providing (dried) watermelon seeds so the people who choose to eat it can now benefit.

Lemon: I hope you know by now just how nutritous and powerful lemons are. We all know lemons are great for losing weight and provide an array of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, citric acid, flavonoids, B-complex vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber.

Lemons (and it’s freshly squeezed juice in particular) helps greatly to purify the blood and cleanse the kidneys and digestive system. Because lemons are hydrating, it helps flush toxins out the body. its best to buy organic lemons when possible, as the quality will be better. Plus, lemons and citrus fruits are heavily sprayed ih chemicals so organic helps reduce the exposure to those chemicals lurking in your skin.

Marine Phytoplankton Oceans Alive: Wow, where do I begin?! Marine phytoplankton is a microalgae derived in oceans across the world. Of course, you might be thinking,“but the oceans are not clean?!” But if you get it from an excellent, clean source like from Activation Products, you can rest assure your bottle of Oceans Alive 2.0 will be clean! This is because, Activation Products grows their phytoplankton in a closed system photobioreactor, which Wikipedia defines it as: “a bioreactor that utilizes a light source to cultivate phototrophic microorganisms. These organisms use photosynthesis to generate biomass from light and carbon dioxide and include plants,mosses, macroalgae, microalgae, cyanobacteria and purple bacteria.

This way of harvesting marine phytoplankton helps keep any pollutants flying in the air and any other environmental lurks. I encourage you to look further into how the company grows their Phytoplankton, so you can feel confident what you’re getting is true, clean, and GMO-FREE. 

Learn all about Activation Products Facilites and Growing Environment Here. It’s quite unique and helps you build trust with the company growing your marine phytoplankton.

Phytoplankton has all the full-force ability to restore our health to an optimum state since this superfood is LOADED with nutrients. Science has it that marine phytoplankton helps with the following: 

  • supports a healthy immune system 
  • reverses damaged DNA 
  • regenerates damages cells and brings them back to life! 
  • reverses aging
  • promotes and increases mental clarity 
  • significantly helps with weight loss
  • flushes toxins from the body 
  • supports healthy blood pressure 
  • Heart Healthy: Due to the incredible nutritional profile and high levels of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids, marine phytoplankton is the ideal superfood for your heart
  • offers pain relief due to the high amounts of magnesium 
  • improves digestion 
  • supports healthy vision and prevents cataract 
  • helps control symptoms of hypothyroidism
  • eases symptoms of asthma and can support relief 
  • skyrockets energy levels
  • … and much, much more! 

Learn all about the health benefits of marine phytoplankton and discover how it can help transform your life and heath all round

So here are 3 juice recipes to rid toxins out of your body so you can greet the whole new living you! Enjoy 🙂

watermelon cilantro celery ingredients

This one is one of my faves. Watermelon with cilantro and lemon go amazing together. WOW! You have to give this juice a try!! You’ll thank me later 😉


  • good amount of watermelon (don’t know the measurement; just cut a size that’s enough to make the portion of juice making)
  • large heaping handful of organic cilantro
  • 1/2 to 1 whole lemon freshly squeezed
  • 1 drop of Oceans Alive 2.0

Either pour all ingredients through a juicer or blend in a high speed blender. I use my Dash blender and it blends and tastes great. No need to strain if using seedless watermelons.


This juice is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, cleansing, and detoxifying in so many ways. if you got tummy aches, pains, or any kind of soreness, etc…let this juice be your savior.


  • good amount of watermelon (don’t know the measurement; just cut a size that’s enough to make the portion of juice making)
  • 1 tsp or 1 tbsp of unrefined, organic, virgin coconut oil
  • 1 drop of Oceans Alive 2.0
  • 1/2 to 1 whole lemon freshly squeezed

Pour all ingredients through a juicer or blend in a high speed blender. I use my Dash blender and it blends and tastes great. No need to strain if using seedless watermelons.


This is a great mix of goodness. So refreshing and cleansing, at a deep cellular level.


  • good amount of watermelon (don’t know the measurement; just cut a size that’s enough to make the portion of juice making)
  • 1 stalk of organic celery
    large heaping handful of organic cilantro
  • 1 drop of Oceans Alive 2.0
  • 1/2 to 1 whole lemon freshly squeezed

Pour all ingredients through a juicer or blend in a high speed blender. I use my Dash blender and it blends and tastes great. No need to strain if using seedless watermelons.


Sweet Green Kale Apple Juice 

An oldie, but a goodie! This is one of my favorite green juice recipes that I love so much. it’s filled with green goodness and taste perfectly sweet. This juice helps detox your cells, mind and body and makes you feel ALIVE!

Get the sweet green kale recipe here! >>>

In good health, 


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marine phytoplankton, activation products oceans alive, activation products growing facilities, clean marine phytoplankton, oceans alive 2.0, oceans alive, health benefits of marine phytoplankton, watermelon juice recipe, watermelon cilantro juice, juice recipes to detox from neurotoxins, detox juices, detox juice recipes,

About Miliany Bonet 197 Articles
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at 0medz0.com. Her passion for writing shines through her posts.

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