Agave Nectar vs. Coconut Nectar: The Secret and Truth About Agave

agave nectar vs coconut nectarYou’ve probably heard about agave nectar. It’s mostly used as a “natural” sweetener. Did you know, agave nectar isn’t what it seems to be? There’s a dirty little secret behind this “all-natural” sweetener that you may not know. In this post, I’ll explain the dangers of agave nectar, and how your favorite sweetener isn’t safe, nor nutritious and how you’ve been duped into thinking agave nectar is healthy. Agave isn’t what it appears to be…
agave plant
Agave is a succulent plant with rosettes of narrow spiny leaves, with tall flower spikes. The plant looks almost similar to an Aloe Vera plant and a cactus, but with a sweet flesh. The sweetener is made from the juice of the agave, which is processed into nectar (also known as, a thick sap). The agave plant grows in the deserts of Mexico. Agave is so sweet, some people prefer the taste of agave over honey! Many agave manufactures claim that their agave nectar is “raw” when labeling, tricking people into thinking it’s a raw sweetener, when actuality, its not.  
agave nectar poison
Agave Nectar is a scam for many reasons, as agave isn’t what they claim it to be. Agave is hydrolyzed at temperatures up to 140 F (therefore, agave is NOT a raw sweetener and it’s highly processed and refined) for 36 hours, making the end product containing 97% fructose! Believe it or not {fact}, agave nectar is WORSE than high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), because agave contains up to 97% fructose and HFCS contains only 55% fructose!
Although agave nectar is a low glycemic sweetener, the problem is that, agave is high in fructose (up to 97% fructose!), and if consumed in large amounts, it may cause your blood sugars to spike. Moderation is key, even with the healthier sweetener options like raw honey (which has a higher GI level than agave, surprisingly), coconut nectar and maple syrup—just to name a few. The high fructose content found in agave nectar can cause all sorts of health problems, such as obesity, damaging the liver, diabetes, increase in blood pressure, weight gain, depression, affects the brain just like sugar does, and can even cause blood glucose levels to rise if not eaten in moderation, and more!
agave nectar syrup

Believe it or not, agave has the same dangers and health risks as high fructose corn syrup and sugar does, but WORSE! Therefore, agave nectar is NOT HEALTHY (it’s not even close to being nutritious!). The truth is, agave is poisonin a bottle. The good news is, there are nutritious alternatives out there!


Is coconut nectar good? I used to use coconut nectar, but then eliminated it from my diet. Read below to find out why…
coconut nectar sap
Coconut nectar comes from the coconut tree. The process is a bit similar to maple syrup, but the only difference is, maple syrup is highly processedtoo. The coconut tree is tapped and produces a nutrient rich “sap” that exudes from the coconut blossom. The coconut sap is an abundant source of minerals, 17 amino acids, vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and a neutral pH. The sap is minimally processed at low temperatures for a few hours, producing a thick sap that contains only 10% fructose!
Since coconut nectar is still processed (not highly processed as agave and maple syrup are, but minimally processed) and a refined sugar (all that processing turns it into a refined sugar), I no longer use it as my sweetener of choice. When I consumed coconut nectar or ate anything that had coconut nectar or coconut sugar in it, I would start to get pimples on my face. After eliminating it from my diet completely, my face cleared up. My body reacts to refined sugars, so therefore, I choose not to eat them. That being said, I personally don’t recommend using coconut nectar or coconut sugar, but it’s a way better option than sugar, maple syrup and agave nectar. For those of you who are interested in using coconut nectar or coconut sugar as your alternative to agave, below are the health benefits!
Coconut nectar doesn’t have a coconutty taste, rather sweet and delicious. The raw coconut nectar I used to use is the one from Coconut Secret, as it’s genuinely 100% organic, enzymatically alive (meaning it’s 100% raw), vegan, fat-free, low glycemic, guilt free, non-GMO, and gluten free! This nectar is great for those who are diabetic. Coconut nectar is truly delicious, pure and 100% true in facts, such as raw, organic and low glycemic. It adds a great addition to cereals, pancakes, waffles, French toast, raw desserts, teas, and anything else you’d like to sweeten up.
It is similar to high fructose corn syrup, but worse because agave is higher in fructose than HFCS!
• causes 
obesity, increases blood pressure diabetes, liver disorder, and heart disease
highly processed
• not really 
high in glycemic (contains half of the glycemic index found in sugar!)
• high blood pressure
• a scam
• does bad to your body
• bad for diabetics
• can cause mineral deficiency

weakens the bones
• may cause hair and teeth loss
contains mercury
• and no 
true good benefits really

Maple syrup is not a good sweetener alternative, because it can lead to obesity, increase high blood pressure and other risky health risks. Just Google “the dangers of maple syrup” and you’ll find lots of info about Mr. Maple Syrup.

a better alternative to sugar, agave, maple, and yacon syrup/nectar.
• it is 
more nutritious than agave!
100% raw – enzymatically alive
• 100% organic
• vegan
• fat-free
• guilt-free
• non-gmo
• gluten-free
low glycemic (contains only 10% fructose)
• neutral pH
• will 
not cause obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, or liver disorder
• this is the TRUTH!
• does great to your body
• not highly processed
• it’s a full pack epic nectar- containing 17 amino acids
• contains enough sweetness that will satisfy that craving sweet tooth! (plus, it 
doesn’t have that coconutty flavor)
• high in vitamins & minerals
• coconut sugar contains healing properties; lowers high glucose, prevents the risk of cancer, great for those who are diabetic & over-weight, etc!
• an A+ for the coconut sugar: you don’t feel sick, tired, hyper and any other side effects you would get when you eat sugar

Basically, all the wonderful health benefits that coconuts contain – the coconut sugar and the nectar contains it, as well.
Fructose is a type of sugar molecule that occurs naturally in fresh fruits. This is where fruits naturally get their natural sweetness from. Since fructose has a low glycemic index, it has little impact on your blood glucose levels. Kimberly Snyder, a certified health nutritionist, explains more about fructose in her post here.
Glycemic index determines how fast a carbohydrate based food will go into your blood, and how quick it will spike your sugar levels. Foods that contain carbohydrates have a glycemic index, either being low or high. Of course, if you are diabetic, they are often advised to avoid foods with a high GI. To learn more about glycemic index, click here.

The Best Sweetener Alternatives


So, if agave, coconut nectar, coconut sugar, maple syrup, or yacon syrup are not a good option, then, what are the best alternatives? The truly BEST sweetener alternative of all time (and this one’s my absolutely favorite one!), is stevia! If you aren’t familiar with stevia, you’ve got to check out my post on stevia and see the brand that I recommend. Not all stevia powders are created the same. The other alternatives

The only white stevia powder I
recommend. Safe, healthy and
minimally processed.

are date paste, whole dates or raw honey. Of course, fruit is always the best sweetener alternative. I use stevia all the time to sweeten up my foods and drinks, and I love it! It’s the sweetest sweetener ever!

Don’t be fooled with the labels! Manufactures are good at tricking consumers with their propaganda labels, that do a good job at tricking consumers into thinking the product is ‘all-natural’ and healthy. To be on the safe side, stick to
SweetLeaf steviaor simply, grow your own stevia plant at home like I am.Agave nectar is NOT natural, nor healthy. Choose your sweets wisely.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learning the truth about agave nectar. If you use agave, I hope this post has enlightened you to eliminate it from your diet. If you know anyone who uses agave nectar, please share this post with them! This post can really change and enlightened a person’s way of thinking about sweeteners.
Please feel to post a comment below. If you appreciated this post, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts.
I’m publishing my second ebook soon about agave nectar called, “The Sweet Poison: The Secret They Don’t Want You To Know About Agave Nectar.” The book includes information that I didn’t share about agave in this post, including the history of agave, glycemic and fructose comparisons, the dangers of agave, and the scam about agave. The book will also include recipes using the sweetener alternatives! How sweet is that?! You get to learn about agave, plus get recipes with alternatives to agave!
The ebook hasn’t been published yet, but you can subscribe here to get notified when it launches! If you’re one of the first 10 subscribers, you’ll receive a FREE copy of the ebook when it launches! Sign up now!

About Miliany Bonet 197 Articles
Miliany Bonet is an ambitious, world-renowned, raw vegan blogger, writer, researcher, author, and an entrepreneur who is passionate about sharing her love and desire for a plant-based lifestyle. She's also the main contributor at Her passion for writing shines through her posts.


  1. Thank you so much!! I am giving my first Raw Demo at Sunspot all natural market where I will be making the Strawberry Cheesecake. I was nervous because I wanted to promote the Coconut Nectar but I was a little unsure of the problems with agave. This post helped a lot, I really appreciate it! All the best!

    • Thanks, and thank you for commenting!! And your VERY welcome! 🙂 I’m so happy you read this post, as it gave you a better understanding on the dangers of agave. 😀 I’m glad you appreciate this post, as it means a lot to me! 😉 Now you can be confident and proud to promote Coconut Nectar. They’re the best! =)

      Good luck at your first Raw Demo! All the best to you, too! <3 X

    • I always wondered about cocomut nectar v agave. thansk for enlightening me on this. i will certainly be using the cocnut nectar from now on. Thanks

  2. The Foodie Fuel Team really enjoyed reading this post! We are a huge fan of coconut sugar, and all coconut products! Thanks for sharing your article! It provides some much needed information on agave nectar!

  3. Hi, I’m a big fan of coconut in all its forms and never use agave nectar. I was looking to get a bit more information on the sugar content of coconut nectar but you haven’t seem to have provided any. In fact I found your article light on content and high on bias. After your information on the agave nectar you might as well have written “coconut nectar, good, yum”. So are you saying in your article that coconut nectar has no fructose whatsoever. If so great I will be happy to hear it, if not why didn’t you mention its percentage.

    • Hi Mr. Todd,

      I appreciate your comment and the great laughter for the day about me being bias. As a matter of fact, that is far from the truth. I provide information on a non-bias form. As my blog CLEARLY states, “Do Your Own Research.”

      If you’re looking for a bit more information and since my blog post doesn’t provide that, I would suggest you continue looking elsewhere.

      Thanks for the suggestion about writing a post about “coconut nectar, good, yum”. I may just do that. Stay on the lookout for that.

      Coconut nectar has 10% fructose compared to agave, which is 95%. I really hope you find this information of value, Mr. Todd.

      Bottom Line: Coconut nectar and coconut sugar isn’t the best sweetener, because it’s refined sugar. Watch the video in the post, and you’ll hear it from the experts in this lifestyle.

      Have great day!!!

  4. Thank you so much for this! Do you happen to have any sources on how Blue Agave is actually heated up to those temperatures to create the product? And any sources for the other facts about Blue Agave? Also, I think Blue Agave has taken the ‘Raw’ part off of their label now 😉

    • You’re welcome! Sarah, I did provide sources on how agave is made. If you click on ‘agave nectar isn’t what it seems to be’ it will take you to this site: The post clearly talks about how agave is heated up to those temperatures.

      Blue agave is just as bad as agave nectar. Both are very heavily processed. Blue agave goes through the same process as agave nectar. Do your own research and you’ll see for yourself. 🙂

  5. Thank you so much! I have known for a while from my research that agave is actually bad for you… so I have been trying to find what I could replace my agave with. Will have to try this coconut nectar out!

  6. Miliany, you are one amazing young lady, I am a 47 year old woman, and I have learned so much today from your site and its links. Wow!

  7. Thank you so much for this article, it has really answered the questions that I was googling. I was aware that agave syruop is bad and so I stay away from it, but I reLly didn’t know why. What a shocker to learn
    that it’sjust as bad as high fructose corn syrup!! Meanwhile, I’ve been using the coconut syrup for a couple of months now and really love it, but I’ve been very concerned that it could be just as bad as the agave. Your fine and unbiased reporting has cleared my doubts. Again, thank you. I don’tmean for this post to be anonymous, it was the only choice I had to be able to post as I don’t have the other accounts. My name is Alice.

    • Hi, Alice!

      Thank you so much for your comment!! I’m so happy to hear that this post was helpful for you, I appreciate it.

      A more natural syrup you can use, is raw honey or date paste. It’snot processed or refined, making it a healthier and more natural sweetener choice.

      I know some people don’t have the accounts listed above to comment, which is why I give “anonymous” as an option.

  8. First time reader and I must say I’m impressed with your writing and knowledge. Thanks so much for sharing. I, also, am struggling with finding a suitable sweetener without fructose. I had been using raw honey but realized that it was composed of 40% fructose. I found that I enjoy monk fruit which is mixed with dextrose (glucose) and I prefer the taste over stevia. Are you familiar with it?

    • Thank you, Mark!

      Yes, I’ve heard of monk fruit extract. I don’t use it because it contains a food additive, called erythritol. Although erythritol is a naturally occurring sugar found in some fruits, the ones that food manufacturers use are made with genetically modified corn, goes through a multiplex process and made with chemicals. They don’t use the real, natural, pure stuff. But monk fruit is a great sweetener alternative, as well.

  9. Hi Miliany,
    I appreciate all your information about sweeteners. I’m always looking for a good healthy sweetener for my kids. I looked up Sweet Leaf stevia and it didn’t say anything about being raw. Do you know of any raw stevia products available to purchase? Would using stevia leaves work the same as stevia powder? Do you know anything about lucuma powder? It claims to be raw and low glycemic.
    Thanks you,

    • Hi Richard,

      Thank you! Thanks for reading.

      Using stevia leaves would also work, but I find that the powder is more sweeter. But the leaves work just fine, as well.

      I don’t know of any raw stevia brands (I only use SweetLeaf, and it’s one of the best stevia powder on the market)… but you can make your own stevia powder by growing stevia plants at home and make stevia powder (a.k.a ‘sugar’) yourself, as it’s really simple. All you have to do is, dehydrate the leaves at very low temperatures and then grind/blend them into a powder in your blender!

      Lucuma is a great sweetener alternative, but lucuma powder is not as sweet as stevia. Its raw, low glycemic and naturally sweet.

      Hope this helps!

  10. Thank you for this article. As a type 2 diabetic with a sweet tooth. I learned from ayurveda, your craving indicates what is excess in our body, so, I am always looking for the best sweetener. I used to use agave. Now I use truvia. I was not familiar with coconut nectar, I look forward to trying it. Thanks again.

    • Hi,

      Thank you for your comment! The best sweeteners are fresh fruits, dried fruits (dates, prunes, raisins are my favorite) and stevia (in the form of powder, whole leaves or pure extract). Stevia is the best sweetener option, compared to agave nectar, coconut nectar, maple syrup, yacon syrup, etc. — Especially being someone who’s diabetic.

      I don’t recommend using Truvia’s stevia, because the company is owned by Monsanto (and genetically modified/GMO) and branded by Coco-Cola. Plus. their stevia is not real stevia, as it contains known carcinogens (cancerous fillers), like methanol, acetone, ethanol, acetonitrile, erythritol, and isopropanol.

      I wrote a post about stevia my other blog, 0medz0, and I mention which which brands you should avoid (some stevia may contain hidden added sugar!)

      The stevia I recommend (and use) is from SweetLeaf stevia, which you can purchase here:
      Its safe, healthy, pure (it contains an added vegetable fiber prebiotic called inulin that aids in digestive flora. This is also why their stevia powder are white instead of green), organic, and non-GMO — which is important and something you want to look for whenever buying stevia powder.

      Hope this helps! Thanks!

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